Mayra A. Arzon, M.D.

My practice consists of patients from birth through their college years, although I do not take new patients after 18 years of age. I see patients in a comprehensive way. I address physical and mental health as well as performance in school during wellness exams. I take care of simple to very complicated health conditions. I do not employ a nurse practioner or physician's assistant. Every patient that comes for an office visit is seen by me. This is like a conceirge type practice where your child has unlimited access to the doctor at your convenience. I refer patients when necessary to pedicatric sub-specialists and surgical specialists. I work in close contact with the sub-specialist to coordinate the best care. I do not admit patients for inpatient care, but refer patients to the Pediatric Hospitalist at DMH and St.John's Hospital (when needed) and keep in contact with them to follow the patient closely. I do provide neonatal inpatient care for newborns at St.Mary's Hospital in Decatur and attend high-risk deliveries at St.Mary's Hospital.

My staff consists of one Full time LPN Burgandy and two part time LPN's cheryl and Joellyn who have many years of experience in this office. Our full-time receptionist, Nicole. Our billing is done by an outside agency.

When you need to contact us for questions, concerns or medical advice, my full-time staff will be the ones to assist you. For medical advice please try to call between 8 a.m.-10:30 a.m. to speak with a nurse. To schedule appointments, the receptionist can help you with many of your questions and arrange for an appointment that day, should your child be ill.

For sick visits, patients can always be seen on the same day. New patients, check-ups and recheck appointments need to be scheduled in advance. We value your time as well as ours. We try to schedule the appointments in a way that patients can be seen on time. In order to be able to accommodate everyone in a timely fashion, we ask that you call to cancel any appointment you are unable to make. There is a fee for missed appointment's without prior cancellation.

I do not share call with other physicians and personally take care of all after hour phone calls. If parents or patients need to contact me after hours, call the office number and you will be connected to the DMH answering service. They will contact me and I will personally return the call, usually within thirty minutes. After office hours and on weekends, should your child needs to be seen urgently, I will refer to the emergency room or an urgent care facility. Because emergency room care is expensive and time consuming, non-life threatening emergencies should be called to my attention first by telephone so that I can determine whether the situation can be handled by phone, in the office or in the emergency room. Often this can save you time and money.

If your child eats or drinks something you feel may be harmful or is exposed to any poison, always call Posion Control first (1-800-222-1222 ), They will instruct you for proper treatment before attempting to contact us.

Children with immediate life threatening situations and or bone fide emergencies (i.e. lacerations/injuries, convulsions, severe respiratory distress, profuse vomiting and/or diarrhea, high fever, toxic appearing child, etc.) should be taken directly and immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room or call 911. Please do not waste critical time contacting us.

My staff and I consider it a privilege to be asked by parents to participate in the care of their children and value your trust. We strive for the ideal of friendly, courteous, accurate and efficient work. If you have suggestions on how we can improve our services please contact us, we will appreciate your input.

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn more about our office.